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Konakbayev O.B., Mizamova K.I.




the article discusses various aspects of weighing automation based on the experience of implementing the Automarshal. Weight hardware and software complex developed by Mullenom Systems LLC. This solution was installed at several dozen enterprises from different industries (chemical industry, oil refining, fertilizer production, solid waste landfills, agricultural sector, etc.), which allowed us to accumulate experience in creating systems of different levels of complexity   

Ключевые слова:
vehicle scales, automation, video cameras, barrier, traffic light, weight accounting software, workstation, cargo weighing   

INTRODUCTION Automation of truck scales is gradually ceasing to be the prerogative of especially large enterprises with a large traffic flow and is increasingly being used in small and medium-sized industries. The peculiarity of such technical solutions is that they are at the intersection of ACS technologies, video surveillance, information systems and access control systems, in connection with which it is not easy even for an experienced engineer to deal with such a task. Therefore, in this article I would like to share a general methodology for the development of technical solutions for the automation of scales, as well as some aspects of the implementation of such projects This will help the specialists of enterprises, which are faced with the task of optimizing the weighing process on truck scales, to more systematically and comprehensively approach the solution of this problem. Fig. 1 An example of a weight control section using the system "Automarshal.Weight": 1 - computer with software "Automarshal.Weight"; 2 - cabinet “Automarshal.Weight "; 3 - video cameras for recognition; 4 - traffic lights; 5 – LED spotlights; 6 - sensors for monitoring the position of the car on the scales; 7 - barriers; 8 - car body video camera WHO REALLY NEEDS SCALE AUTOMATION? Automation of the weighing process on truck scales is a complex of hardware and software (Fig. 1) that provide automation of routine processes that were previously performed by the operator manually: •entering the weight into the software reading (software) and database, net calculation; •reading the vehicle number and entering it manually; •control of the position of the car on the scales; •traffic control through scales, etc. In practice, enterprises most often want to automate the weighing procedure on truck scales in order to avoid the following problems: •the possibility of making mistakes by the operator of the scales, especially when recording the readings of the scales "under a pencil"; •the possibility of abuse by personnel during the shipment or acceptance of goods; •lack of digital documentation of the weighing process and, as a consequence, the complexity of handling claims with counterparties; •unnecessary labor costs for the process of shipment or acceptance of goods; •insufficient throughput of the scales, which is typical for enterprises associated with seasonal cycles (agricultural sector, etc.); •disordered process of transport movement through the scales. We also denote the cases when scale automation is either redundant or of little use: •there is very little car traffic through the scales; •insignificant cost of operator errors; •scales portable (underlay) or axle static. So, if automation is really required, then as a first step, you need a design stage in one form or another, since we are dealing with a complex modular system


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (39) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Konakbayev O.B., Mizamova K.I. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN AUTOMATION OF CAR SCALES // Вестник науки №6 (39) том 1. С. 323 - 336. 2021 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/4581 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/4581

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